Saturday, April 24, 2010

2010-2011 Curriculum

I went to the Midwest Homeschool Convention (awesome by the way) in April with three wonderful friends.  I purchased all of my curriculum for next year.  It feels really good to know that everything is sitting in the school room just waiting to be explored.

Lulu and Monkey will be doing Exploring Countries and Cultures from My Father's World.  I am very excited to be making this switch.  I love Charlotte Mason's philosophies and unit studies to teach every level together.  I just struggle with finding the time to put it all together myself.  MFW will do this for me.  Bible, Geography, Science, Art, and Music are all taken care of with Exploring Countries and Cultures.   For English we are moving to Rod and Staff.  Lulu will be doing Following the Plan.  Monkey will be doing Beginning Wisely.  Lulu will do Saxon 6/5 for math.  Monkey will switch to Saxon and do Saxon 5/4.  Another new choice for us next year will be All About Spelling.  I've heard so many great things about this program over the past several months.  I started reading up on it.  I looked over everything at the convention and bought the first two levels.  We are going to start this program in a few weeks.  I hope to get my struggling speller on track over the summer.

Lil will be in Kindergarten next year.  She will be doing My Father's World from A to Z.  This is a complete package for kindergarten.  I may add RightStart Mathematics and All About Spelling to her schedule after we get into the year. 

I also am excited to introduce Workboxes next year.  The organization of our day is a constant struggle.  I really hope this system gives our day a boost as it seems to have done for so many other families.  I know that I will not implement the system exactly the way Sue Patrick suggests.  I just don't have the space.  Once I have all the details fixed I will blog about how we plan to implement the boxes in our day.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I came to your blog from the Blog Roll (MFW).
    I will be doing ECC also and we love All About Spelling. Looking forward to reading about how your year is going.
