At the end of the year our Co-Op has a Spring Program. Each class does a presentation to showcase something they have learned throughtout the year. Lulu and Monkey both sang with their classes.
We also have a Kindergarten Graduation. Lulu did this last year. This year was Monkey's turn. She looked so beautiful!

She was very proud in her cap and gown. So were Mom and Dad!

Lulu even played the xylophone!

After the Spring Program, we try to do something special. This year we decided at the last minute to head to Cincinnati Saturday afternoon. We stopped in at the Cincinnati Children's Museum and then went to a hotel. The girls love staying in a hotel. Then Sunday we spent the day at the Cincinnati Zoo. I'm not sure who let these animals out of their cages.

At the end of the day when our feet were exhausted we took one final look at the animals, by way of train.

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