Probably not the cord most of you are thinking about......
We have decided to put out a garden this year. One more of our feeble attempts to "homestead" in town. We are very blessed to have a big backyard. We have been saving up compost all winter. James began tilling last Thursday. Unfortunately our cable cord for our internet was also "tilled" in the process. But we are up and running now
! Instead of doing several posts, I am going to do one long post.....
First up is our snow pictures the weekend before last.
We have decided to put out a garden this year. One more of our feeble attempts to "homestead" in town. We are very blessed to have a big backyard. We have been saving up compost all winter. James began tilling last Thursday. Unfortunately our cable cord for our internet was also "tilled" in the process. But we are up and running now
First up is our snow pictures the weekend before last.
The girls had a blast, until one got hit in the face with a snowball and one got cold. Our little trooper, Lil, would have stayed out all day if Daddy and I had. I could not believe the other two wanted to go in so quickly. When I was a kid my Mom had to make me go inside.
The girls painted water bottles to keep their water in. Their Daddy has a new halogen bottle and they always want to drink out of it. James thought if they had their own special bottles they would leave his alone
Next up is an afternoon at the park. Always great fun! The weather was so nice. We finished up our school work early, packed a lunch and headed out. This is one of my most favorite perks about homeschooling. When we want to pack up at the last minute and head out...we can!
Add a birthday party in the mix for pure excitement. A friend at church was having a super hero birthday party. There is a newer show on PBS called "Super Why". Lulu went to the party as Princess Presto and Monkey went as Alpha Pig. Lil went as Super Elmo...not a real super hero but, hey, she's 3. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately these great friends of ours are moving out of state this weekend. We will miss them.
And finally (in photos anyway) we end up back where we started....the garden. The girls are really excited about planting our own garden. I hope this will encourage one of them, ahem Lulu, to eat more vegetables. They worked hard and, as always, there's more where that came from.
I also wanted to say what a blessing Nancy Carter is! She came and spoke at our homeschool group recently. She did awesome! She spoke on grace in our homeschools. Her humor and sweet spirit is a delight. If you ever have the opportunity to meet her and listen to her speak, you will not want to miss it.
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