Monday, March 31, 2008

Profiling Home Educators

Describe yourself, your family or one of your children. What is it like to be home educated in your family? What is “normal” for you?

We are a Christian homeschooling family of five.  My husband, James, is the leader of our home as God intended for him to be.   We will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary this summer.  He has entrusted me with the education of our girls.  I do the research and decision making for what curriculum we will use.  I always run things by him, especially price, before I purchase.  He trusts my decisions in this area though and usually says go ahead a buy it. 

Lulu is eight and finishing up 2nd grade.  She is a very bright little girl.  She started reading at four with very little instruction from me.  It just clicked with her.  She loves books!  She also enjoys art -- drawing, painting, crafting, whatever.  When it's warm outside you will find her camping, swimming, and riding her bike.  She is very sensitive and loves to please others.  Lulu is also very good with Lil.  She watches out for her and gives in to Lil's demands way to often.

Monkey is six and finishing up 1st grade.  According to her age she is actually ahead one year in school.  She loves math and science.  She improves daily on her reading skills.  Like Lulu, Monkey loves all forms of art.  She is right next to Lulu when it's warm: camping, swimming, riding bikes, swinging, etc.  Monkey is a very determined little girl.  She knows what she wants most of the time and also how she is going to get it.  She is not easily swayed from her opinions.  I see now this as one of her strong character traits. 

Lil is a very active, very vocal, and very curious three year old.  She is always into something.... sometimes good, sometimes not so good.  She is very sweet too!  Her little voice and eyes will melt your heart when she sings and dances.  She loves to be moving and has a hard time sitting still.  She wants to do school like her big sisters but only lasts for a few minutes at a time.  Like Monkey, she is very determined and independent.  I began to see this as a positive in Monkey around age five.  I prayerfully only have two more years to begin to see it as a positive in Lil too! 

A "normal" day for us is somewhat structured.  We have a basic daily routine that we follow without time scheduled in.  Most days we get ready, eat, and do our chores before starting school.  The bulk of our schoolwork is completed before lunch (if we get started early enough).  After lunch Lil takes a nap and any unfinished work is completed.  The girls has computer time most days.  They are very excited about recently starting their own blogs.  (Lulu, Monkey)

One of the greatest benefits of homeschooling for us is the ability to be flexible.  There will always be another day if something does not get done today.  If today is a hard day and tears are being shed, stop.  Go outside and play.  Come back and try again later.  Or stop for the day.  The world will not end if my lesson plans are not checked off on the correct day.  My girls will still learn.  And we are all happier learning without tears....

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