Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blogger Friend School #13

My friend Nancy is now hosting BFS.  This week's assignment is to introduce you to my Bible.

  1. How old is your Bible?
     My Bible is 18 years old.
  2. Why did you chose this Bible? 
    It was a Christmas present from my parents.
  3. Do you highlight/mark passages in your Bible?
    Yes, I do both. 
  4. If so, what is your system for marking passages?
    I mark passages that are special to me, that speak to me when someone else is teaching, that friends give to me for certain circumstances, all kinds of things.
  5. Do you have notebooks to record things? 
    I have kept notebooks in the past.  I do not currently have one that I take to church with me.  We have a note taking section in our bulletin that I use.  I keep a prayer journal at home that, as I get time, I copy the notes into.
  6. If so, how many and what do you record?
    I have about 7-8 from years past.  I recorded sermon notes mainly and some notes from personal devotion times.
  7. Where is your favorite spot to read your Bible?
    I read at the kitchen table out of necessity in the mornings.  I would love to someday have a special little area where I kept all my devotional materials. 
  8. Are there any special thoughts about your Bible you want to share?
     My Bible is battered and torn.  The leather binding is torn and cracked all the way down it.  There are a lot of memories with this Bible though.  I have things marked in there from my youth years til now.  I would never throw it out because it reminds me that I too am battered and torn, but God still loves me and has a placed prepared for me.

Thanks Nancy for heading this up.  I hope I can keep up with all the assignments.

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